A press release is an official statement or an account of a news story that is specially prepared and issued to news media. News media includes print media like news papers and periodicals and electronic media like TV and Radio.
In some parts of the world the Press Release is also known as News Release, Social Media Release or a Press Statement. They are mostly used by Public Relations Offices. A press release is either emailed, faxed, sent by courier or delivered by hand.
A press release while informing the reporters of the news, encourages the media person to write an article.
When is a press release useful ?
A press release is useful when an event is developed into an article.
Let us presume a manufacturing company has a new product to offer. An attractive press release would encourage the press to report it. While a new induction into the board of directors is informed to the public through a press release, the individual also may have press release informing of his or her new status. A budding singer has opportunity and she is cutting / burning a disc. She releases a press release informing of her career launch.
Recognition: While Joe Bill joins ABC as it’s Global Sales Head may not get the attention of the media an opportunity to interview Joe Bill on Prospects of Global Sales during recession would definitely help the media remember his name.
Web Site Popularity: A press release on your site about current trends encourages media to visit your site and quote you. More publicity.
Become Expert: Joe Bill keeps sending them the press release and they remember his name. There is new trend in business and Joe Bill can always share his opinion and in the process leverage his presence to become the expert on the issue.
Cost Effective: It is much easier for you to release the same copy to many. You need not individualize the content of the press release.
Now that we know what a Press Release is let us move to the next step.
What are the components of a press release?
The components of a great press release are:
Headline — Is the heading of the press release. Generally the font, type and the size is different from the rest of the content of the press release. While attracting the attention of the media person it should also ideally summarize the news content.
Dateline — This contains the date of the release and the name of the city where it is being released.
* Who? Who are going to be involved or was involved?
* What? What actually is going to happen or happened (what’s the story)?
* When? When is going to happen or did happen?
* Where? Where did it take place or where is it likely to happen?
* Why and
* How?
Body — The body of the press release elaborates with explanation giving vital data if any with relevant back ground and any other information that may be relevant to the content.
The “###” symbol also indicates the same. In other parts of the world “ends” at the end of the text indicates the the news is complete.
Contact Information: – The complete address of the Public Relations Office or the Media agent or the sender is given here. This would help the media contact for further information. The complete address is includes phone numbers email ids etc.,
Always make sure that the press release is addressed to an appropriate person. A bland press release may not bring in the expected results when it is not individually addressed to either a person or the publication or the company. * 826 words