There are many add-ons, plugins and utilities that help in search and research. But from the point of view of a freelancing content provider like myself, Context Search is an other addon for Firefox that helps you search when you are on the Internet. Antidisestablishmentarianism is supposedly the longest English word. 28 English letters make this word and they include 12 syllables. To research this word, all you have to do is, install Context Search addon for your Firefox, select the word antidisestablishmentarianism and right click to open the context menu.
There, in the context menu you will find a new option ‘Search for “word”‘ (word = is the ‘word’ that you selected) and by default, Context Search gives you four search options. You can search Google, Yahoo, Dictionary, Amazon and eBay. You can also customize and manage the search engines. You can choose from the multitude of search plugins that Firefox offers and install them.
Click on the image to enlarge.
Context Search helps you search without leaving the browser. You can get it here. Perhaps you would like to test the Context Search addon with this word, Antidisestablishmentarianism! 🙂
The credit to the Context Search addon on goes to Ben Basson and there have been about three hundred eighty-five thousand nine hundred eighty-nine downloads so far.