When you are on the net, there are many instances where you come across web URLs that you may visit. You need to copy the url and then paste it in the address bar opening a new window or a tab to visit that site. Sandeep Kothari came out with a solution. He created a Firefox extension for folks like us. His “Take Me To This URL” does precisely that. Once you install “Take Me To This URL” extension, all you have to do, when you come across a website text link is, select it and right click to show your context menu. In the context menu you will find, “Take me to this URL”. Point your cursor at it and click! Bingo! The plain text URL to the selected website opens up either in a new tab or a window depending on your browser settings.
Click on the image to see detail.
Thank you, Sandeep for making life on the net easier! 🙂
You can download the Firefox extension “take me to this URL” here.
Download the latest Firefox here.