How do I convert the MS Word word document into PDF format? That is the question before me. I been doing a lot of reading on my Dell monitor for a long time and I just wanted to relax and read a PDF. So here is what I did.
- I went to Zoho.Com.
- Logged in with my GMail account. (Well, you can also register with Zoho for a free account and use all its services).
- Under the drop down list of Productivity Applications, selected Writer.
- From the File menu, chose Import option. Picked up the document from my desktop. Zoho Writer imported the document.
- Then again under File, I chose Export and from the sub menu selected PDF.
- Downloaded the PDF document.
The default Foxit Reader loaded the document for me and it was ready for me to read. Well there were a few issues with some spacing in couple of places. But that’s OK. It did not hamper my work. The bonus is you can also work online and save your documents online. Zoho at this point of time is offering unlimited space but it seems it might limit it to 1GB when it gets out of it’s current beta avatar.