Paste Email Plus is a Mozilla Firefox add-on and that is one more reason why I like Firefox browser. You can customize Firefox to your heart’s content. You think of a feature that you are missing in this browser and go and dig in to the add-ons or extensions or plug-ins and I am sure you will be find one that meets your need.
Let me tell you about Paste Email Plus now. Paste Email Plus is another beautiful add-on for Firefox, that would help you browse the net with fewer keystrokes and reduce the chances of potential RSI (RSI btw means Repeated Stress Injury). Chuck Baker, the guy who created this wonderful add-on calls it the Paste Email Plus.
Let me tell you where you can use Paste Email Plus and how it would help you reduce those mundane, boring, repetitive tasks of filling in all those forms.
Come to think of it, this cute little add-on can be used anywhere, when you have a lots of copying and pasting to do. Let me give you a few examples.
A typical example is a sign-up form, without which you cannot log into a site. Generally there are a few fields like user name, email id, password. More often than not some of them ask you to enter data at least twice, either your user name or your email id. You are supposed to fill them in. Imagine if someone is visiting on an average five sites a day she has to enter at least all those details 5 times.
For an individual who has more than two accounts, it would be entering the user name twice and then again the password twice. Let us presume that the user name is eight letters – abcdefgh and the password / or as some sites call it the pass phrase is again 9 characters – for e.g.: 123456789 and let us further presume that both these are made up of alphanumeric characters. The user name in this case is a1b2c3d4 and password is e5f6g7h8i, let us calculate the number of key strokes that are involved. That would be eight characters for the user name. If you use the tab button to jump the cursor into the next field that is the password that is one more stroke there. Else you would click the mouse to move the cursor into the password field and leave it there to use the key board to input the 9 characters.
Keystrokes to enter into the user name = 8
Keystroke to hit the tab = 1
Keystrokes to enter the password = 9
Keystroke to highlight or hit the enter key = 1
Total number of Keystrokes = 18
When you are using the Paste Email Plus add on, you can accomplish all these in 8 strokes. Here is the break up:
Move to the Login text field = 1
Right click for Context menu = 1
Select email Paste = 1
Tab or Mouse cursor = 1
Password Field = 1
Hit enter or Tab to Enter = 1
and hit = 1
Total number of keystrokes = 7
So how many keystrokes are you saving? Thanks to Paste Email Plus 11 key strokes in all, without taking into count all those innumerable times when you begin at the beginning when you input one wrong character and system asks you to repeat the whole process right from the first character.
No worries about the safety either – because with Paste Email Plus you can encrypt the password when you first key in your user name and the password. I am yet to try this though.
So there it is folks! Paste Email Plus, one of those cute and nifty add-ons that makes your surfing on the net much easier and smoother. There is one more nifty feature with Paste Email Plus. You can save all your data in a text file on a local drive on your machine and the best part is you can
Go and try Paste Email Plus. You can read more about it from Chuck himself and download it here. Chuck is the same guy who gave us the add on FEBE that helps us save our Firefox profile.
You can download your Mozilla Firefox here and look get more add-ons here.

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