This is about a feature “Add to Watch List” on, where you go to pick your freelance projects.
You are busy. You are busy with your content. You are that busy you don’t even have time to log into your Guru account and check out those projects. And that is pretty bad news. You are busy now. But what about tomorrow, when your current assignment ends? You will have to find a new project, bid on it and win it to keep you occupied. It could take an other three days to three weeks and may be beyond.
Don’t despair. Not all is lost. Guru has a nifty feature. “Add to Watch List”Log into your Guru account. Click on the “Get Work” tab. Set your search filters of your choice and now you have a list of all those projects that are open. Neatly tabulated under various headings and they include Employer Statistics too. IMHO, this is the most important column. It informs you a great deal about this client. (Read Employer = Potential Client = Client.) It informs you if this potential client had paid her bills. The number of projects she had posted and the kind of rating the providers gave them.
1 – The FIVE STAR rated client is the best. That means none of our clan had any issues with this client.
2 – How much did this client pay? A couple of thousands. Oh.. I like this client more. She’s been around for some time. She knows how the system works. She deserves your complete professional attention. One you would like to retain for ever and be in her black book.
3 – Does she pay all her bills? She does. Fantastic. You ought not miss her projects.
What do you do now? You are busy with your current project and yet do not want to leave this excellent potential client.
That’s where your Guru’s feature “Add to Watch List” comes in. You just click on that tab “Add Watch List” and it goes into your “Add Watch List”.
Now you can go to your My Account and there under your “Manage Your Proposals”, reach your “Watch List”. Click on it, to go to your “Watch List”.You can also set your filters from the drop-down list that provides you four options. The first one is “Newly Listed”, then “Ending First”, the third is “Project Budget – Highest first” and the fourth is the “lowest first”. Set your filters here and Guru will deliver all your watch-list projects neatly tabulated.
At one glance you can now check out the best of the projects, the best paymaster, saving you plenty of time.There are also other filters that hide all those projects you have applied for, projects that viewed, those that need on-site work and vendors only projects.
Keep working on your projects, make some time go to your “Watch List” and present your bids. That way you can keep both your hands busy all the time. What you say? 🙂